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Writer's picture: Maria SukharevaMaria Sukhareva

Inspired by the western culture and lifestyle, Russians increasingly more often include the English words into everyday’s speech. Sometimes it is for pure convenience and in order to fill in the gaps in the language, more often though it is due to the fact that those western words sound more sophisticated and “cool”.


When you look on a menu in a Russian café, it is very likely you will notice an abundance of western words.

Want pancakes for breakfast? – Order панкейки from the menu! Want to indulge on some fast food? – Russians would also call it фастфуд. Is it ланч (lunch) time yet? What about desserts like muffins оr shortbread? – маффины and шортбред! Furthermore, it is not unusual to be served скрамбл (scrambled eggs) and to drink фрешы (freshly squeezed juice) and смузи (smoothie) for breakfast.


Russians do нетворкинг (networking) and visit тренинги (training) together with мастер-классы (masterclasses). Стартапы (startups) get funded through краудфандинг (crowdfunding). Nowadays some work is the subject to аутсорсинг (outsourcing) to фрилансеры (freelancers) who often work in cafes while drinking their флэт-уайт (flat white). Meanwhile, менеджеры (managers) at offices work towards дедлайны (deadlines), while копирайтеры (copywriters) create контент (content). Russians have also copied such words as мерчандайзеры (merchandisers), дистрибьютеры (distributers) and дилеры (dealers) from English language.

Everyday life

What about everyday life? Russians go to gym to do воркаут (workout). Each morning girls put on мейкап (make up), while in beauty salons they do пилинг (peeling) and анти-эйдж (anti-age) treatments. They do some of their шопинг (shopping) in шоурумы (showrooms) where they can buy худи (hoodie), свитшоты (sweatshirts), пуловеры (pullovers), леггинсы (leggings) and клатчи (clutches). On уикенд (weekends) Russians are going to бранч (brunch) and off to cinema to watch the latest блокбастеры (blockbusters).

Have you come across such words?

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